Tuesday 23 June 2009

Voodou Liverpool interview.(Taken from Voodou's Face book page.)

As they are using my blog in their promotion, they have also decided to interview me.

How did you get started in photography?
I originally started as a hairdresser before studying T.V. and film make-up. Photography was required for the portfolio so I first realised I loved it then.

How did you get your first job?
It was purely by chance! I was asked to photograph a shoot I was working on..That was nearly 5 years ago and I've not looked back since.

what's been your biggest achievement?
Oh god you got me, I keep thinking of massively cheesy answers!
I've had loads of great achievements but one that springs to mind is being used for Harper's Bazaar, I love that magazine.

Go on...and your biggest cock up?
The biggest cock up I've ever had was letting an assistant be in charge of transferring the pictures from a memory card to my computer. Half the shoot was never seen again.

Fave clients?
Kirsty Doyle, We've worked together for years! The Echo- I'm about to shoot my 3rd bill board I've got through them and they still let me put a lot of input into the direction. In fact any client that listens to my creative opinion, luckily most do.

Fave shoot?
Definitely the burlesque one. (even though I'm sick of looking at it now), the caged shoot, which is all about alternatives to fur, even though when people first see it they think it's a sick excuse to show off loads of dead animals. (read between the lines)

And any other shoot that has a bit of drama in it, Delta fiasco band(see below), Anthony Hannah, Disco tek trashed couture...