A kids paddling pool, 100kg's of play sand, 11 tubs of glitter, some baby oil and a naked guy on your studio floor. The Tuesday afternoon we shot the Vogue Ball 2011 poster was like a Blue Peter episode gone a bit wrong. Or right, some might say.
The plan was to make a guy look like he had been found dead in some freak and glamourous accident involving far to much glitter. Darren Suarez (Vogue Ball creator in the pic below), you've out CAMPED your self again!
Step One - Oil the model.
Step Two - Lighting check.
Step Three - Make sure your model is comfortable, this may take some time.
Step Four - Sand. Lots of...
Step Five - (The icing on the cake). GLITTER!
Step Six - Pack down the package. Careful now.
Step Seven- Get the shot.
The rest is history (and a few other photoshop brushes).
Words & Pics Matt Ford.
Art Direction Darren Suarez.
The Next Vogue Ball poster shoot is coming very soon... :)